Cults, MLM's and Psychological Self Defense

My Pursuit of Mental Resilience

Through out much of my life, I have been interested in cults and cult dynamics. Human beings are incredibly fascinating creatures who thrive on community, connection, and curiosity after all! But where does it go wrong? In the past few years, and even more so since 2020 and the rise of conspiracy thinking, coercive tactics, and destructive groups, I have grown curious of my own interactions with various fringe movements. I have been reviewing my experiences, untangling beliefs, and noticing where I have fallen on the continuum of well intentioned extremism and dogmatic thinking. I have been naive, susceptible, and taken advantage of. I have also taken many steps back, observed situations, and pulled myself out of potentially harmful scenarios - developing my own kind of mental inoculation and self defense against psychological manipulation. In reflecting on how I got into and out of many potentially harmful and exploitative situations, I am growing passionate about helping others do the same. Physical self defense is so important, but what about our minds?

A Little More Context

In my late teens, my boss insisted I attend the a personal development seminar, paying for half the course and subtly pushing me into putting the rest on my credit card. This marked my first significant step into debt, and as I reluctantly navigated the multiple-day seminar, a persistent and lingering discomfort emerged. While some benefited from this "forum," I couldn't shake the counterintuitive nature of watching people publicly shamed and dissected and then sold tools to mend their fractured minds (with no mental health professionals on board, at that). I later learned this experience fell under the category of LGATs (Large Group Awareness Trainings), a phenomenon extensively studied by survivors and scholars alike.

Fast forward a couple of years, and the same boss compelled me to attend a "business training." I was an open minded and eager young adult, still shaping my worldview, when that unsettling feeling returned - A curious alertness mixed with subtle unease. Upon investigating further, I discovered this business training was indeed an extension of a Scientology recruitment center, which has been recognized as one of the most pernicious and infamous cults of our modern times. Despite pressure to embrace these programs promising self-development, growth, power, and spiritual advancement, I walked away, guided by an indescribable but undeniable radar and feeling in my gut and nervous system.

Fast forward again, and I found myself deeply immersed in the LA wellness and holistic scene. From exploring the extremes of veganism and purity culture while delving into the teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, to attending awkward acting classes followed by One Taste "orgasmic meditation" sessions, I began noticing disturbing and recurring trends. The relentless recruitment efforts and attempts to exert control over my mind, schedule, and finances felt contrary to the essence of genuine well-being. Constantly striving for transcendence and purity, I sensed a shift away from grounded reality and a susceptibility to dissociative tendencies. At this time, I also became involved with three multi-level marketing companies, enticed by promises of natural supplements, weight loss, makeup, and solutions to various human ailments. Despite the allure of entrepreneurial freedom and a mission to save the world, that unmistakable feeling persisted. The recruitment tactics, hive-mind exploitation, and emotional and financial manipulation consistently deterred me from deeper involvement.

Reflecting on this journey, I questioned the origins of that unsettling feeling within me. Was it skepticism, cynicism, or a cultivated internal radar? From what I’ve gathered, years of therapy played a pivotal role, providing tools to examine my thoughts objectively and despite my mystically inclined nature, I've developed a profound appreciation for critical thinking, science, philosophy, and an increasing awareness of mental manipulation. Perhaps initially unbeknownst to me, training in martial arts has helped me develop this psychological radar. For the warriors' path involves refining the wisdom of discernment, cultivating an internal alarm system to be mindful, calm, yet alert to various types of predation in the world.

Now, let's take a look and explore some of the practical tools that have helped me along the way, and that might empower you along your path of exploration - Because there is nothing wrong with being a seeker, just make sure your safeguard the trip along the way!

All human beings have the right to protection from undue influence.
— Steven Hassan, Combating Cult Mind Control

Tools for Psychological Self-Defense:

1) Trust Your Instincts: Whether it's a gut feeling or a response in your nervous system, trusting your body and feelings while honing discernment serves as an invaluable compass. This innate guide, which can be honed and refined, signals discomfort, steering you away from potentially harmful situations.

2) Cultivate Critical Thinking: Regardless of personal inclinations, embrace the power of critical thinking. Question, dig deeper, and let critical thinking be the force that enables you to step back and question manipulative situations.

3) Set and Enforce Boundaries: In the world of wellness and MLMs, boundaries become your shield. Recognize incessant recruitment tactics and learn to say 'no.' Setting boundaries is not just a right; it's a psychological self-defense strategy.

4) Practice Mindfulness: Beyond a mere practice, mindfulness becomes a shield against manipulation. It allows you to step back, observe your thoughts, and maintain clarity in the face of potentially manipulative situations.

5) Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power. Delve into resources like 'Combating Cult Mind Control' and cult documentaries. Understanding the tactics used in manipulation equips you with the armor needed for psychological self-defense.

6) Remain humble: One of the best ways to get yourself caught up in a harmful situation is to think you are impervious to being caught up in harmful situations. All humans are fallible and can be vulnerable to manipulation. Be kind and open minded, but never let your guard down.

As I continue to navigate the complexities of fringe movements and potential cult involvement, I share these tools to empower others on their journey toward a more informed, mindful, and self-empowered approach.

Be well,



Scientology: Aftermath
Cults & Extreme Beliefs
The Jonestown Massacre: Paradise Lost
The Vow
The Program

Guru: The Dark Side of Enlightenment
Rabbit Hole
The Gateway
The Dream

Combating Cult Mind Control
Freedom of Mind